Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mormon courts are fundamentally abusive, here's mine from 3 ish years ago

What would you say about someone who makes false charges against someone?

And uses the cover of religion to destroy someone's reputation.

And victimizes an entire family with an evil and unaccountable process.

And specifically has underlings tell the victim that they can respond to all of the charges, then adds 2 phony charges AFTER the 2 and 1/2 hour abusive court proceedings which were already despicable because it occurred right at dinner (family) time on Sunday night (6pm).

In Mormonism, the most powerful people are bishops and stake presidents.  For a man who holds the church's high priesthood, if the church wants to attack him with a court, that attack must be initiated by the stake president.  My stake president is a pathological, malignant, habitual liar and extreme narcissist.

So I'm still "disfellowshipped" from the mormon church which claims to be the ONLY church of Jesus Christ, but Jesus would never do any of this to someone, much less an entire family.  The "church" is obviously ashamed of this evil process and thanks to the internet recently changed the name of "disfellowshipment" to "membership restrictions."  As part of these very "Christian" restrictions (which are an offense to Jesus Christ) I'm not allowed to express faith in Jesus Christ by taking the most basic emblems, the bread and water and I'm not even allowed to bless my family if they were sick (gee that should only be done in the most extreme circumstances RIGHT?). 

So WHAAAT did I do to "deserve" this?  I made some facebook posts 3 ish years ago, harmlessly talking about polygamy, the subject the mormon "church" pathologically lies about and avoids, and you already know why unless you've been living under a rock.  Oh, and I went to the capitol to protest a really shitty piece of legislation (I thought political advocacy was off the table when it came to church "discipline," a word the church won't use anymore as part of their weak rebranding to appear Christian).  And by the way, the state of Utah, at the behest of church lobbyists, has already gone my direction and decriminalized polygamy THIS YEAR, so of course I should be un-disfellowshipped, RIGHT?  Wrong.  I reached out to a really nasty bishop about 6 months ago and got promises of assistance then some creepy and combative behavior that really should be its own blog. 

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